Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
~2024 Pictures~

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2024 Christmas Eve Paper Bag Pageant at 4 PM

2024 Christmas Eve Midnight Mass at 9 PM

World Travelers enjoyed an afternoon of exploring Christmas Around the World with Special Appreciation to the partnership of Swanton Recreation and Holy Trinity Church. Special thanks to Barb and Steve Trushaw, Marie Speer, Margaret and Kathleen Otto Schotto, Helen Short, Pat Gaboriault, Natalie Good, Adam Fournier, Marie Bessette, Jon and Sarah Wood Nielsen, Tammy Tuttle, Mary Wood, Nicole Draper, Julia Tinganelli, Valarie Bushey, Mark Rocheleau, And Volunteers from the Youth Leadership at Swanton Recreation. Thanks to all the families that brought their children to enjoy this community event. I dare say, by looking at the pictures, you can tell everyone had a great time! Mary Wood December 8, 2024.

This past Sunday our kids in Sunday School talked about the things for which they are grateful. Then they taped quarters to these papers that look like money and put them in the collection plate. How cool, right? It is never too early for kids to practice gratitude! The money collected from the kids totaled $23 which will go to Therapy Dogs of Vermont along with a matching amount (plus a little more) from the Rector's Discretionary Fund for a total of $50. November 12, 2024.

Celebration of All Saints Day today at Holy Trinity. Children learned that Saints helped to make the world a better place. We talked about ways in which they make the world a better place for people and things around them. We explored the meaning behind their names and created Saint Hats to wear and march into church during the "When the Saints Go Marching In" hymn. November 3, 2024.

The vestry of Holy Trinity gathered today at Highgate Manor for some retreat and fellowship time. Lots of laughter and good conversation was had while we discussed, norms, expectations, and goals. Thanks be to God for good people with whom to work. October 19, 2024.

Margaret and Oliver enjoying a contented moment! So nice to see kids and babies in church! September 29, 2024.

October Art on the wall exhibit by David Juaire. Beautiful fall photos of sites in the area. Just a touch of snow! October 2024.

Mary says: Our Applesauce Canning Workshop was a wonderful success. Special thanks to Helen Short for leading this event. September 26, 2024.

Helen Short says: The Franklin County Quilters Guild held a workshop on 9/19/24 learning how to make one of Deb Montgomery's Mystery quilts. We are grateful for the use of HTC's Parish Hall. September 2024.

Welcome to our new rector The Rev. Kathleen Otto Schotto and her family: Margaret Scheitheir Schotto, Martin and Jonathan! September 3, 2024.

Kathleen's introduction letter to Holy Trinity!

Farewell Celebration! What a wonderful reason to gather and celebrate together as a Holy Trinity Family. We have been so blessed with the time Ann and Fran have spent with us over the last 18 months. Thanks to everyone who made this evening a wonderful event and thanks to the Transition Team and Vestry for planning the evening. They were surprised by a couple lovely quilts and two Adirondack chairs and a table. August 23, 2024.

Holy Trinity had a wonderful celebration on Sunday, August 18th to welcome our new parish member, Oliver Jacob-Dedalus Greenia. Thanks to everyone who joined in making this celebration such a wonderful event! August 18, 2024.

A joyful evening was had by all! The Citizens Concert Band played delightful music at St. John's in Highgate on Wednesday, our first event after the roof rafters were shored up and the new standing seam roof in place! One band member said this was the best venue they've been to! Thank you all who helped make this happen, the refreshments were great too! August 7, 2024.

Our Art on the Wall exhibit for August 2024 was by Louise Counos of St. Luke's Church in St. Albans!

Earl and Donald Taylor's Appreciation Luncheon July 28, 2024.

Chris Leach representing Seventy-Six Lodge #14 of Free and Accepted Masons

Gary Godin representing American Legion Post 1 St. Albans

Mike French representing Civil Air Patrol

John Fitzgerald representing EAA Chapter No. 613

Beth White "Modern Rosies" representing Habitat for Aviation

Heather Lavoie representing Swanton Historical Society
We are very grateful to be recipients of the Taylor Brothers Endowment. Learning of their love of the community and passion of service touched our hearts. They bestowed a drive in us to do our best by giving back to our community, and to care for people by not being afraid to be involved and challenging yourself. We have restored a great building, the Toll House, that is full of character and stories that speak of years ago that needed to be told for future generations. That is possible because of the Taylor Brothers generosity still for our community, and will be written on a plaque honoring them and their spirit of giving. Swanton Historical Society is embarking on a new project to have a permanent home at the Roy Insurance Building at 21 Merchants Row, where It would be befitting and an honor to commemorate The Taylors Brother's love of their downtown business, Taylor Marine, as I remember their store as a little girl. They touched so many people lives and were interwoven into the fabric of our town. Saying thank you seems like a small thing when these two men exemplified the heart and soul of citizenship, brotherly love, and the Swanton community, but thank you Earl and Donald.

Hank Lambert representing Swanton Enhancement Project

A wonderful Chicken and Bisquit dinner with delicious desserts was had by all!

Our Art on the Wall exhibit for July 2024 was by Gladys Nokes of Swanton!

Today was a special day honoring Marianne Marshall, a loved parishioner, with a bench by the columarium entrance. Steve and his family were all here, 18 of them! July 7, 2024.

HTC celebrated our final Open Door Dinner this Thursday. Special thanks to Laura and John Simon, Mary Hartman, Judy Ayres, Natalie and Wally Good, Judy Cheney, Joe Cava, Trushaw Family, Pat Gaboriault, Ann Boyd, Madeline Martin, Kiley Boutah, Sheri and Charlie Moore, Linda Wirts, James McDonald, Mary Gladden, Deanna and John Edwards, and to all our guest who have helped us build community this year. We look forward to welcoming you again next year! June 20, 2024.

Jane Bower from St. Luke's, St. Albans, was our Art on the Wall exhibitor! June 9, 2024.

Trinity Sunday. We had a wonderful moving, spiritual service today with lots of Gaelic music, sermon, prayers, and blessings! And a Scottish coffee hour with short bread, peach cobler and pretzels! Yesterday we planted the flower gardens, thank you to James Macdonald, Paule Button, Linda Wirts, Joe Cava, Wally and Natalie Good and Sandi Kenyon. May 26, 2024.

Open Door dinner #2 May 24, 2024. Special thanks to the Helen Short and Natalie Good team and all the helpers to make this special occasion happen! All are welcome!

Letting our light shine at St. John's with the Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights! May 10, 2024.

Special thanks to everyone who helped to make our kids in worship and Cinco de Mayo/Our Little Roses potluck lunch such a wonderful event. Holy Trinity's 20 plus years sponsorship of Girls at Our Little Roses has been a wonderful example of how one can make a difference in a child's life a world away. Highlights of the day were the wonderful Honduras Pot Luck dishes and Steve Marshall's famous Chili. It was fun watching the children break the Pinata and gather up goodies to share with everyone. Special thanks to Jessica Gratton for helping in the kitchen and getting goodies for the Pinata and to everyone who planned, set up, served and cleaned up after our pot luck! May 5, 2024.

Flowers on the altar today! April 21, 2024.

A huge thank you to all the amazing volunteers that helped us feed 80 people at Open Door Dinner #1 at Holy Trinity Church- Swanton, Vermont this evening. Deanna Edwards, Judy Cheney, Amy Giroux, Mary Ayer Hartman, Judy, Natalie, Linda, Barb, Stephen Trushaw, Paule, James, Rob, Steve, Mary G, John Edwards, Kiley Boutah and anyone else I may have forgotten. My apologies. And to all who came and enjoyed the dinner! It's such an honor to be a part of such a great outreach. Shelley Fournier Robtoy. April 18, 2024.

Joe captured the eclipse over the church! April 8, 2024.

Art on the Wall for April and gorgeous for Easter! April, 2024.

Happy Easter! Christos Anesti! Alithos Anesti! The children found the hidden Allelulia banner! I thought I'd pick one picture but they are all great! I wished I'd taken a picture from the front of the church of the people listening to Ann's sermon, it was memorable to say the least! March 31, 2024.

Mothering Sunday. The children worked hard on Saturday making the Simnel cake for coffee hour as we celebrate the "Mothering Sunday" tradition at Holy Trinity. Special thanks to parents, family members and children that were able to join us in the kitchen. Thanks to Natalie Good, Mattie Lampman, and Jessica Dittmar, for volunteering to help with this project. On Sunday we decorated Simnel cake and had a special Sunday School lesson on the theme of "Rejoice". Learned the song "This is the Day that the Lord Has Made" and discussed how we need to make the best of whatever kind of day God gives to all of us. March 10, 2024.

The Rev. Darcey Mercier and some of her parishioners from St. Luke's, St. Albans and Grace Church, Sheldon joined us at Holy Trinity, some joined us in the choir and then at a festive coffee hour we had an Iconography presentation by the Rev. Darcey. She explained how they are written and displayed some of her beautiful works. She has offered an icon writing class in June at St. Luke's and some of us have signed up! March 3, 2024.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper with Allelulia banner making to hide. February 13, 2024.

2024 Annual Meeting - January 28, 2024.

Sarah our Senior Warden

Steve our Treasurer

Our new vestry: Front row: Adam, Shelley, Helen; Second row: Sandi, Kay; Standing: Sarah; Third row: Natalie, Mary, Steve

Please join the Families and Friends of Connor Nielsen and Abby Raliegh at Holy Trinity's 10:00 service on Sunday. Service will be followed by a reception and presentation of scholarships. All are welcome! January 5, 2024.

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